New e-book: With Business Process Management (BPM) to digital transformation in 7 steps

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GBTEC’s BIC Platform provides best in class BPM and IT transformation services

Innovez and GBTEC

Innovez services supported with GBTEC BPM suite enable the digital transformation journey for the organizations with full transparency, speed  and effectiveness.

With the innovative BIC Cloud BPM Suite, you can put new business ideas into practice even faster. From strategy to execution, the platform provides optimal support for process and IT transformation.


GBTEC Business Process Management Platform includes:

BIC Process Design

BIC Process Design provides comprehensive process analysis, quick and easy process design, and practically instant publication. Configurable workflows help to ensure compliance with governance regulations. Collaboration functions allow all employees to actively participate in process design

BIC Process Execution

Whether simple or complex, any process can be automated – all without a single line of code. Our revolutionary automation solution, BIC Process Execution, transforms your manual, paper-based and repetitive activities into digital forms, executable workflows and tasks automated by bots. Simple and effective!

BIC Process Mining

BIC Process Mining is based on the process mining technology from Apromore. Automatically visualize your business processes in the tool’s collaboration space, manage and monitor them in real time and transform them into a unified process landscape. Optimize your processes based on valuable actual data and revolutionize your business!

BIC GRC (Enterprise Risk)

The BIC GRC tool supports you during the detection and assessment of risks, the execution of controls and during action management. With predefined frameworks, processes run automatically according to your requirements. The danger of manual errors is reduced, and the processing speed is considerably increased. The documentation also delivers all relevant information for audits.

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